
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

First off, I want to wish a happy mother's day to all of you amazing moms out there. I'm not technically a mother myself yet, but I do love Tripp and Libby like they came from my uterus. They also act like I imagine my real children will act someday. They clearly got their personalities from Nate and I :)

But enough about my kids dogs, I'm going to brag a little about the incredible women in my life.

First off, there is my mom, Judy. This woman drives me up a wall and I love her all the more for it. My mom is my best friend. She has the biggest heart, and will bend over backwards to help out the people she loves most. I can't even begin to describe the amount of love and respect I have for my mom. Although we've had our moments (what mother and daughter haven't??) I am so grateful for everything she has given me and that she helped me grow into a type of woman I can be proud of.

Next, I have my sister, Carla. Don't think for one second that because of our 14 year age difference we don't fight like sisters. Because we totally do, which means that we love each other extra! My sister is a pretty incredible woman. She overcomes every obstacle she encounters and is still such an amazing mom to her boys. She has been and continues to be a wonderful role model for me.

Here's one of my absolute favorite pictures of my mom and Carla :)
Carla enjoys a Long Island Ice Tea... or three.
Third, Stacey, my sister-in-law. I love her. My brother could not have found a woman who fit into our weird family better than her. She is a rock and I think we'd all be a little lost without her. I know family is important to everyone, but she makes hers a priority, and I have so much respect for her. Plus, I've heard my brother snore, and anyone who can put up with that deserves a trophy or something. 

 Fourth, Julie, my mother-in-law. I am amazingly blessed. I LOVE my in-laws. First off, she had five kids. FIVE. I can't even imagine having one yet. She, along with the rest of Nate's family, have made me feel so loved and so much a part of their family. It's like I've been an Abernathy my whole life. She is just as much a mom to me as my actual mother.

And of course I have my sister-in-laws Sarah, Alex, and Sarah. (Yes, two Sarahs. Yes, it can get confusing.) I love that I have three more sisters that I get along with so well. I am so excited that Nate and I are so much closer to my family and his, and that I will be able to spend more time with these ladies and be able to brag about them a little more next year!

From left to right: myself, Sarah (Nate's sister), Sarah (Josh's wife), Julie, Alex (John's wife).  Front: Lily, my niece.

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